jueves, 3 de agosto de 2017

Results of EDYPRO biotechnology in Portugal 2017

 "Getting off to a good start" in the crop is imperative for farmers who want to be Champions.
Thus, farmers whose land has low fertility, high salt levels or difficulties in the transformation of organic matter, have seen that replacing the subscriber base by COUPÉ REGENERACIÓN Plus achieve a very uniform development of the crop, with a high level of assimilation of Nutrients and good rate of daily photosynthesis.
The great effectiveness of this dynamics has been verified in a farm in the area of ​​Alcacer do Sal (Portugal) where in the loosest plots COUPÉ REGENERACIÓN Plus has been applied to 60 L / ha as a bottom subscriber, with the first pass of herbicide EDYFRUIT ARROZ at 5 L./ha.
As a witness the farmer left the plots with the most fertile land and with the highest production history.
After the second herbicide pass in both the treated and in the control, 110 UF / ha of Nitrogen have been supplied.
The rice in the treated plots has had a better tillering and the plots are well covered.

Also, the comparison of the development of the treated and control plants reveals the great differences in the development of the root system, the weed / godson with the highest number of children per plant and the green color of the leaves.
It is important to emphasize the uniformity in the behavior of the crop.
"In these plots the ears come out all at once and this is great", shares his satisfaction the farmer, owner of the farm.
In the following photo can note the difference in the development of the root system of the treated and control plants, the treated plants have a healthier root with greater number of absorbent hairs.

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