martes, 29 de diciembre de 2015

Correction of the tip of the sword in cucumber

In intensive farming, the result depends on the correctnutritional balance and water rate according to theneeds of the crop.

Our website shows a plot of cucumber in cycle ofautumn with a problem of malformation of fruits.

Through the dynamics recommended by EDYPRO, we have controlled the problem in a short period of time,generating a great confidence in the farmer.

lunes, 28 de diciembre de 2015

MADUR FRUIT FOLIAR in the vineyard

Spain is the country with the largest area of vineyards in the world, about 1 million hectares.

To demonstrate the potential of biotechnology in the crop so delicate, we have made together with our external partners a product demonstration applications MADUR FRUIT FOLIAR plots of Girona.

See the results on our website:

miércoles, 23 de diciembre de 2015

Restores the balance of nitrogen with NITROPLUS

Nitrogen is one of the macronutrients essential for the development and growth of plants and one of the factors that affects the development of crops.

Resets nitrogen nutritional balance our exciting development with NITROPLUS!

More product information and acting on our website:

lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2015

Cleaning the crop with MELASTOP

The productive capacity of crops is conditioned largely to perspiration, making the plant through the leaves during photosynthesis daily.

"Pollution" that is deposited on the leaves makes breathing difficult and reduces the creation of energy at the plant.

From EDYPRO, we recommend applying MELASTOP to clean leaf of the plant and significantly improve the attitude of the crop in these situations.

More information on our website:

miércoles, 16 de diciembre de 2015

Plot of Avocados in Málaga

The avocado is a tropical crop of South American origin that is grown in the United States, Mexico, Chile, South Africa and Spain, in very specific areas (Almeria, Malaga and Granada, with more than 9,000 has).

With the EDYPRO biotechnology (without residues and hormones) and appropriate crop management techniques, we are increasing production, providing nutrients and elements necessary for the proper development of this crop.

As proof of this, we show the results obtained in a plot of avocados from Malaga (Spain).

jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2015

Succes of Biotechnology in the tomato crop

In the production of field tomatoes, the correctconfiguration of the bouquet and the uniformity ofthe fruits are the most important factors which valuesthe market and consumers.

Below are the results obtained in a plot of tomatoindustry in the area of Almería by  biotechnology of EDYPRO.

In the pictures you can see how thickened stem,increased the number of fruits per branch and moreuniform fruit, with quality and high caliber.

martes, 1 de diciembre de 2015

ROOT RICE in Italy

Italy is the largest rice producer in Europe, with large areas of cultivation.

In recent years, EDYPRO is present in these Italian lands, applying its biotechnology products adapted to rice.

On our website you can see the magnificent results obtained with ROOT RICE, stimulating germination of the rice seed in the 2015 campaign, together with the assessments of farmers.