viernes, 10 de julio de 2015

Results on rice plots of Extremadura

Extremadura is the second leading rice producer in Spain, behind Andalusia, with a share of about 20-30% of the total rice production in Spain.

EDYPRO, through its biotechnology products adapted to rice, is present in this region every year, with excellent results in the field.

In the following images, you can see the difference between treated and EDYFRUIT ARROZ taken as control plants. The result of applying EDYFRUIT ARROZ  is a plant with cleaner, healthier root system and root longer (greater number of godchildren). Furthermore, the plant length is greater, a uniform green colouration showing all processed.

In the plot treated with EDYFRUIT ARROZ  chlorophyll levels obtained after application and monitoring EDYPRO field it is greater than that provided in the control area. As a result, the treated plot is intense uniform green color and a greater length of the plants.

jueves, 2 de julio de 2015

Good assimilation of nutrients with COUPE REGENERACION

To have a good production is necessary to have a very active soil, with high level of cation, pest and disease-free exchange that will allow the good hydration and nutrition from the plant.

Get a live and healthy soil with COUPE REGENERATION. Benefits:

- Reactive the crop soil and allows active, healthy farming soil and with great capacity for vegetative growth.
- It effectively displaces toxic salts in the clay-humic complex, avoiding that they focus on soil cations.
- Increases the cation exchange capacity and improve the physical structure of the soil, increasing its oxygenation and its drainage.

It is recommended to apply COUPE REGENERATION before flooding in saline lands with nutrient assimilation difficulties, with difficulties descompoposition of rice straw and consequently appearance of symptoms "akiochi.

In the following link to our blog, you can see the effects of COUPE REGENERATION on a farm in the area of Castellon, with problems of assimilation of nutrients before and after application of the product.

miércoles, 1 de julio de 2015

Fruit thinning without hormones and farming

Plan Growing fruit thinning without hormones is based on a natural thinning eliminating fruit not achieve good caliber, leaving the tree fruits, which through the application of the products recommended by EDYRPO, increase the size and content juice, to achieve optimal commercial calibers.

The fruit thinning without hormones EYDPRO provides greater quality and resistance in the skin of citrus not to suffer physiological changes in it.

Recommended products to Fruit thinning without hormones and farming:

Then images of plots in the area of Valencia and Castellon , where has realized the fruit thinning without hormones.

Both images are from a plot of the variety Clemenalba treated the 06.17.2015. The photo on 24.6.2015,  shows the results of fruit thinning without hormones. The tree removes the fruits are not going to reach a good size and good conditions naturally and to be developed in poor condition, so he focuses his energy on feeding the fruits that give good sizes.

In the pictures below you can see that the fruits treated with respect even to the whole, less dispersion among the fruits, good color and a hard, tough skin size.