martes, 29 de marzo de 2016

Integral plan for Olive crop

The Spanish olive sector is constantly growing, with significant improvement in production and oil quality. 

In recent years production per hectare has doubled.

Since EDYPRO recommend a treatment plan for the olive grove as the most important phenological phases of the crop.

lunes, 21 de marzo de 2016

Integral Plan for Almond crop

Almond occupies the first position in the market nuts.

At present it has increased the cultivation of almonds, with great improvements in crop yields and increasing organic farming.

World production of almond, has grown in recent years and now the US is the largest producer of almonds, followed by Spain and Italy.

Given this positive development, increasing yields per area and quality are two factors become critical in the cultivation of almonds.

EDYPRO offers the Treatments Plan of Almond recommended by the stage of the crop.

jueves, 17 de marzo de 2016

PROCUAJE RADICULAR y polinización en sandía

Curdled at the time of melon and watermelon, PROCUAJE RADICULAR, along with pollinating bees, is the best choice for a good fertilization and a perfect setting fruit.

On our website you can see two videos where the work of the bees is displayed on a plot of watermelon, once treated with PROCUAJE RADICULAR and excellent results in the configuration of the fruits.


ENDOFOSFITO is a product that acts on crops providing phosphorus, potassium and Molybdenum necessary for good crop development and improving the caliber of the fruits from the time of post-fertilization and the start of the color change.

Frequent and continued to ENDOFOSFITO applications are the best strategy to achieve the desired path.

More product information on our website:

miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2016

ALGATRON in spring

ALGATRON is a unique and innovative product that favors the physiological processes of the plant, essential for the proper development of the crop, flowering, fertilization, fruit set and quality of final production.

An excessive number of flowers just behaving stress on the plant.

The application of ALGATRON with the first spring phytosanitary treatments counteract this stress effect and at the same time causes a significant differentiation between fruit thinning will better achieve these.

More information about the product on our website:

lunes, 7 de marzo de 2016

AMINOPLUS, for the good sprouting

We are currently in a citrus-growing year where lack of dormancy and winter has led to an excessive and exaggerated bloom in nearly all varieties coming early in the majority of cases.

This situation involves a heavy wear of energy by woodland and the result is a strong post-fecundation weakness in the second half of the spring.

From the technical service of EDYPRO biotechnology recommend our product AMINOPLUS, ideally suited to activate at the beginning of the sprouting crops by inducing flowering, when it is expected that it will be insufficient or inducing to sprouting, when the bloom will be excessive. It is an amino acid BIOREGULATOR of upper range.

More information on our website: