martes, 20 de diciembre de 2016


The production of large cucumber in the greenhouse requires specific conditions for good fruit development and control of floral abortion.
The coast of Granada is an area with great culture and tradition of this culture. This year, due to the low atmospheric humidity in October and November, the floral abortion and the appearance of curved, deformed and lackluster fruits known as "sword point" or "pencil point" has been very pronounced.
Next, we show an ecological cultivation in greenhouse of hillside with difficulties or excess drainage, low relative humidity by high ventilation.

In the visit made by our Technical Director on 17/11/2016 the greenhouse presented important problems of aborted fruits of difficult filling and questionable quality. In addition the plant has suffered a cupric gluconate intoxication that manifests itself in the yellowing in the apex of the leaves.

After realizing the applications recommended by our Technical Director the crop have completely changed. 

You can see the details of the applications realized in our web.

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