EDYPRO biotechnology, specialists in the cultivation of rice, tells you how to increase the performance and the production in the cultivation of rice with biotechnology.
1st - Re-enable the crop soil with COUPÈ REGENERATION.
2nd - Activate the germination of the seeds with ROOT RICE.
3rd - Increases the production and quality of rice with EDYFRUIT ARROZ
The application of RICE ROOT in planting seed and thesubsequent application of EDYFRUIT rice = guarantee of success.
4th - Achieves greater and faster absorption of the active ingredients applied treatments with MELASTOP.
Below are some images of seeds and crops of rice treated with the products of EDYPRO biotechnology.
Medium plant seeds, are treated with ROOT,RICE andit presents a significantly longer than other roots

Medium plant, treated with ROOT RICE, presents asignificantly longer than oth
er roots
er roots
Seeds treated with ROOT RICE the day 08/05/2015. A few days later, they present a fast germination
Sevilla plot. Carlet variety. Seed treated with RICE ROOT soak. Seeds 18/05. The 30/06/2015, COUPE PLUS REGENERATION applies because of the high salinity. Spectacular estate. Photo taken on 02.07.2015.
Seed of the Fonsa rice variety. Seed sown on 05/08/2015 with ROOT RICE in the Valencia area. Subsequently, on 05.18.2015 applies EDYFRUIT ARROZ, and in less than a month, we observe a big difference in the root system from the untreated plant.
Cerere rice variety in the Italy area. Seeds treated with ROOT RICE on 05/10/2015. A month later, they have a cleaner and stronger root system.
It is clearly visible as the effect of punishment of theherbicide into the root system, is much lower in theTreaty than in the testimony.
Cerere rice variety in the Italy area. Seeds treated with ROOT RICE on 10/05/2015. A month later, they have a cleaner and stronger root system.
Cerere rice variety in the Italy area. Seeds treated with ROOT RICE on 10/05/2015.A month later, they presented a strong root system,generating a larger, better coloration (morechlorophyll) and stronger than the plant plant control.
Terra rice variety (similar to the variety Selenium, with mean grain size). The plant treated with EDYFRUIT ARROZ presents a cleaner and healthier root system, with stronger roots and more of godchildren, being planted eight days after the witness
Experimental plot of dry sowing area of France. On the right, two different japonic varieties have done well thanks to the application of ROOT RICE in seeds.
On the left, indian varieties treated with ROOT RICE, but as having watered, they germinated wrong.
On the left, indian varieties treated with ROOT RICE, but as having watered, they germinated wrong.
Area of France. On the left plot, selenium variety sown on 20/05/15 without ROOT RICE and with great des-uniformidad on germination. Right, plot planted the same day with ROOT RICE (Pre-germinated in water). It can be checked at a glance the difference in the statusof the parcel. The number of plants per square meteris much greater in the applied than in the control,because in the establishment phase, the roots of the applied amount is very high and makes the wind do not damage it.
Courses in the area of Pego (Alicante),treated with ROOT RICE in may 2015.A few days after sowing,already have intense green color and a very uniformgrowth
Plot-treated ROOT RICE and EDYFRUIT ARROZ in the area of Cullera. Planted the 06/05/2015.
Seeds of variety Guardiamar, sown the 01/05/2015 and treated with ROOT RICE and then with EDYFRUIT ARROZ. Area Girona. Photo made 19/06/2015.
Area of Girona. Planting dry on 15/05/15 to 27 cm between rows and treated with ROOT RICE. Uniformgrowth and some strong plants with good colorationcan be seen.
Area of Girona. Planting of the 15/05/15 to 27 cm between rows and treated with RICE ROOT dry.Posteriormete, with the first pass of herbicide is applied EDYFRUIT ARROZ. Very uniform plants.
Marisma (Marsh) variety. Planted 10/05 and treaty 10/06. It is afarm in the area of Seville with salinity problems, sothe germination of rice is very difficult and manyplants die. With the application of COUPE REGENERATION has been a good germination and aperfect introduction of plants. The application of COUPE REGENERATION gets clean the roots of theplant, generating a stronger root system. There arelong and healthy roots.
Plot of the Seville area. Plot of 18/has of Marisma rice variety treated with CLINCHER 03/06/15 and EDYFRUIT ARROZ. Photo on 24/06/2015. Before applications, the farm had a little right conditions for the proper development of rice cultivation. Now it has a stable and uniform growth.
Plots planted on 18/05/2015. 10 days and have a good look in both number of plants put in place as color
Plot of Bomba variety rice sown on 12/05/2015 with ROOT RICE and subsequently, applied EDYFRUIT ARROZ. Area of Valencia.
Plot of Bomba variety rice sown on 13/05/2015 with ROOT RICE. Treated with herbicide and then EDYFRUIT RICE. More uniform in the treated plot EDYPRO biotechnology products, and a stronger coloration growth is observed.
Parcel left untreated front plot treated with COUPE REGENERACION and ROOT RICE (right)
Plot of Seville treated with ROOT RICE
J.Sendra variety, sown on 20/05/2015 in Sueca area, and treated with ROOT RICE and EDYFRUIT ARROZ. The photo is made on 22/06/2015. Within a month, the treated plants have a root system cleaner, as many godchildren and a longer, healthier roots.
J.Sendra variety, sown on 20/05/2015 in Sueca area, and treated with ROOT RICE and EDYFRUIT ARROZ. The photo is made on 22/06/2015. In the treated plot a more uniform growth and a more intense green color is observed.
Parcel left untreated front plot treated with COUPE REGENERACION (right)
Plot of Bomba rice treated with EDYFRUIT ARROZ and ROOT RICE
For more detailed information on the products andtheir applications, consult the web page of EDYPRO www.edypro-online.com
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