jueves, 10 de agosto de 2017


We continue to comment on the evolution of the PRI-23 Finca that we mentioned earlier:

On August 8, 2017, we will visit the PRI-23 estate in Sagunto (Valencia). This farm has been treated with the Biotechnology of EDYPRO and as we advance, the results have been fabulous !.
As we can see in the following video we have achieved:

-An advanced level of caliber and an optimum rhythm of thickening with EDYFRUIT ENGORDE and GROSKOLOR Plus.
-Correct the excess of fruits with our Treatment of Clarification of Fruits allowing to save in manual thinning of fruits
- Improve the root system thanks to the application of COUPÉ REGENERATION PLusORGANOVITAL Plus Via Riego.

In addition, we will continue to apply MADUR FRUIT RADICULAR to achieve a very accentuated gauges and a very active ripening where the whole of the trees take a uniform color in the fruit at the time of ripening and we achieve an orange color, avoiding that they remain the Yellow fruits.

martes, 8 de agosto de 2017


Spectacular results in OLIVAR

In olive cultivation is very common the presence of problems of vecería, that is to say, one year is produced a lot and another produces little or almost nothing. In addition, the ecological olive grove has very limited inputs of fertilizers that contribute to the trees suffering from nutritional imbalances.
In EDYPRO with Biotechnology we are able to increase the productive capacity of the tree by minimizing the variations of production in years of good harvest and those of low harvest.
Also, we motivated the photosynthetic activity of the tree so that it generates enough carbohydrates to carry out the fertilized fruits. In the following video you can see the effect of the biotechnological treatments in the variety Alberquina.

You can also see how in the Picual variety treated with the products of EDYPRO Biotechnology a uniform thickening is achieved in the totality of the fruits.
Also note the quality of the trees, the long shoots and an important foliar mass.

However, the crop without Biotechnological treatments in the same farm suffers from a high percentage of post-fertilization abortion as you can see in the following video:

As it has been for almost thirty years, this summer the company Lugano Leonardo S.R.L organizes a day of demonstration in the field, where will present the main new varieties of rice developed by the Company.
The Day will be held on August 28 from 10:00 a.m. on the farm Viazzo Maurizio is located in the Vinzaglio Tower, in the province of Novara, and addresses in particular the farmers, traders and technicians, But it will be open to all those who are interested.
Lugano Leonardo, the seed company established in the 1950s, is now dedicated exclusively to the study and development of new rice varieties for cultivation in all European rice growing areas in Russia and Turkey. The company has established an important research center that allows it to present new varieties of rice seeds almost every year, focusing both on the nutritional value of the characteristics of the pericarp, in particular the antioxidant aspect. This work is constantly evolving and it is from here that the idea of ??creating a special line of rice: the functional Lugano rice that includes the varieties of giant embryos, obtained by the classic breeding programs, and free of transgenics. To date, the study also varieties giant embryo black and red pericarp.
Thus, the day represents a unique opportunity to know and understand the work of the company. Lugano also grows thanks to innovation and to meet its engineers and researchers. The day will give ample space for Lugano varietal proposals in experimental varieties and / or pending registration and the variety of recent enrollment.
Here we show the news with more information of interest: CLICK HERE

lunes, 7 de agosto de 2017

EDYPRO biotechnology as a leading company in research and development of biotech products and specialist in rice cultivation will show its latest technological advances in the stands of the Rice Field Day, which will be held on Thursday 31 August 2017 at 9:30h in the morningat IRTA / Ebro Experimental Station (AMPOSTA).
EDYPRO Biotechnology will present its experience in how to enhance plant activity in the rice production phase with biotechnological treatments.

viernes, 4 de agosto de 2017

How to generate a good bulb for the new crop?

After the rest period of the first half of the summer, the new crop cycle begins. 4-5 days before the farmer usually performs a good irrigation to moisten the earth and ensure a good rooting of the new plants.
This first irrigation involves a high consumption of water that ends up drenching the subsoil and generating problems in the cultivation during the winter months.
Water droplets alone tend to attract, bind and generate larger droplets by forming a mass with high molecular weight that by gravity is drawn into lower layers without allowing the bulb to be discarded.
In the following video you can see the strength of EDYPRO HUMECTANTE to apply it in the 1st irrigation after the rest distributed from the first drop of water from this irrigation to the last and with an irrigation of a couple of hours is enough to moisten the soil and form The new bulb.
This dynamic allows to prepare a drip bulb better adapted to the needs of the crop with a significant saving of water.


For more information you can see: http://www.edypro-online.com/integral-plans-by-crops/specific-solutions/how-to-generate-a-good-bulb-for-the-new-crop

jueves, 3 de agosto de 2017

Results of EDYPRO biotechnology in Portugal 2017

 "Getting off to a good start" in the crop is imperative for farmers who want to be Champions.
Thus, farmers whose land has low fertility, high salt levels or difficulties in the transformation of organic matter, have seen that replacing the subscriber base by COUPÉ REGENERACIÓN Plus achieve a very uniform development of the crop, with a high level of assimilation of Nutrients and good rate of daily photosynthesis.
The great effectiveness of this dynamics has been verified in a farm in the area of ​​Alcacer do Sal (Portugal) where in the loosest plots COUPÉ REGENERACIÓN Plus has been applied to 60 L / ha as a bottom subscriber, with the first pass of herbicide EDYFRUIT ARROZ at 5 L./ha.
As a witness the farmer left the plots with the most fertile land and with the highest production history.
After the second herbicide pass in both the treated and in the control, 110 UF / ha of Nitrogen have been supplied.
The rice in the treated plots has had a better tillering and the plots are well covered.

Also, the comparison of the development of the treated and control plants reveals the great differences in the development of the root system, the weed / godson with the highest number of children per plant and the green color of the leaves.
It is important to emphasize the uniformity in the behavior of the crop.
"In these plots the ears come out all at once and this is great", shares his satisfaction the farmer, owner of the farm.
In the following photo can note the difference in the development of the root system of the treated and control plants, the treated plants have a healthier root with greater number of absorbent hairs.