martes, 29 de diciembre de 2015

Correction of the tip of the sword in cucumber

In intensive farming, the result depends on the correctnutritional balance and water rate according to theneeds of the crop.

Our website shows a plot of cucumber in cycle ofautumn with a problem of malformation of fruits.

Through the dynamics recommended by EDYPRO, we have controlled the problem in a short period of time,generating a great confidence in the farmer.

lunes, 28 de diciembre de 2015

MADUR FRUIT FOLIAR in the vineyard

Spain is the country with the largest area of vineyards in the world, about 1 million hectares.

To demonstrate the potential of biotechnology in the crop so delicate, we have made together with our external partners a product demonstration applications MADUR FRUIT FOLIAR plots of Girona.

See the results on our website:

miércoles, 23 de diciembre de 2015

Restores the balance of nitrogen with NITROPLUS

Nitrogen is one of the macronutrients essential for the development and growth of plants and one of the factors that affects the development of crops.

Resets nitrogen nutritional balance our exciting development with NITROPLUS!

More product information and acting on our website:

lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2015

Cleaning the crop with MELASTOP

The productive capacity of crops is conditioned largely to perspiration, making the plant through the leaves during photosynthesis daily.

"Pollution" that is deposited on the leaves makes breathing difficult and reduces the creation of energy at the plant.

From EDYPRO, we recommend applying MELASTOP to clean leaf of the plant and significantly improve the attitude of the crop in these situations.

More information on our website:

miércoles, 16 de diciembre de 2015

Plot of Avocados in Málaga

The avocado is a tropical crop of South American origin that is grown in the United States, Mexico, Chile, South Africa and Spain, in very specific areas (Almeria, Malaga and Granada, with more than 9,000 has).

With the EDYPRO biotechnology (without residues and hormones) and appropriate crop management techniques, we are increasing production, providing nutrients and elements necessary for the proper development of this crop.

As proof of this, we show the results obtained in a plot of avocados from Malaga (Spain).

jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2015

Succes of Biotechnology in the tomato crop

In the production of field tomatoes, the correctconfiguration of the bouquet and the uniformity ofthe fruits are the most important factors which valuesthe market and consumers.

Below are the results obtained in a plot of tomatoindustry in the area of Almería by  biotechnology of EDYPRO.

In the pictures you can see how thickened stem,increased the number of fruits per branch and moreuniform fruit, with quality and high caliber.

martes, 1 de diciembre de 2015

ROOT RICE in Italy

Italy is the largest rice producer in Europe, with large areas of cultivation.

In recent years, EDYPRO is present in these Italian lands, applying its biotechnology products adapted to rice.

On our website you can see the magnificent results obtained with ROOT RICE, stimulating germination of the rice seed in the 2015 campaign, together with the assessments of farmers.

viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2015

EDYMAG for contributions of magnesium

Magnesium as well as being a vital nutrient in the production of fruit, vegetable and citrus, is an essential element for the proper formation of chlorophyll and consequently, for the proper development of photosynthesis.

Magnesium deficiency can become a limiting their output.

For demanding crops in magnesium and for maintenance of any culture in which interests have a good formation of chlorophyll, EDYPRO recommended the product EDYMAG.

The Product information on our website:

jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2015

ORGANOVITAL PLUS for the onion crop

ORGANOVITAL PLUS is an enhancer activity bioestimulante culture that stimulates vegetative growth leading to a balanced and continuous growth.

On our website you can check the excellent results obtained a plot of onion crop, just two days after the first applications of ORGANOVITAL PLUS.

martes, 17 de noviembre de 2015

SUPER ENGORDE CAQUI in a Plot of Granada

SUPER ENGORDE CAQUI is specially designed to increase and standardize the caliber of the fruits of persimmon.

Apart from the area of Valencia, where the cultivation of persimmon is traditional, EDYPRO has achieved excellent results in the area of Granada, by applications SUPER ENGORDE CAQUI.

Please visit our website to know these results.

miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2015

Increase of the fatty performance in olive

Results of the improvements in the quality organic olive oil treated with EDYFRUIT ENGORDE FOLIAR

It is currently increasing the consumption of olive oil worldwide for their qualities and excellent benefits in human health.

Farmers are looking for refined oils, with better organoleptic conditions and best qualities physico/chemical (taste, colour, smell, etc.) since its benefits are obtained depending on the kilos of collected oil and the quality of this.

With biotechnology EDYPRO adapted to the cultivation of the olive tree, increase fatty performance achieving more kg oil / ha and improve the State of the trees with enough reserves to ensure good harvest in subsequent years.

On our website you can see the successful resultsobtained in a plot of Olivier de Almería, in which wehave obtained a significant fat yield increase.

viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2015

lunes, 2 de noviembre de 2015

Integral Plan of Peppers

Pepper is one of the horticultural crops in greenhouses more acreage in our country, being located almost half of production in Almeria, Alicante and Murcia.

Pepper demand in European markets has grown in large quantities throughout the year and has resulted in the development of greenhouse cultivation around the Spanish Mediterranean coast.

EDYPRO offers on our website, the plan for the recommended treatments for different stages of cultivation pepper:

viernes, 30 de octubre de 2015

lunes, 26 de octubre de 2015

Integral Plan for Zucchini

Zucchini is a vegetable of short cycle whose surface isheld year after year, Almeria being the largestproducer of courgettes at the national level.

From EDYPRO, specialists in ecological agriculture, putat your disposal our recommended Plan for thecultivation of zucchini in our website.

lunes, 19 de octubre de 2015

Integral Plan for Eggplant

At the moment, is time of applications for the correctevolution of fruit set and fattening of the eggplants.

Good autumn-winter production depends on theability of fertilization and thickening that we have atthe moment.

On the website of EDYPRO, we put at your disposalthe Eggplant treatment Plan recommended according to the stage of the crop.

miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2015

Improving the vital State of your crops with BOTCAR!

BOTCAR is a special combination of micronutrientsassimilable for the crop. It motivates the metabolismof nutrients in vegetables, so they increase andimprove the cellular development. It is qualified as aresult of input for organic farming certified by theC.A.A.E. certification service.

The BOTCAR application provides an adequate balancein nutritional and vital functions of cultivation, enablingit to carry out the growth cycle in satisfactory manner.

You can apply from the beginning of the culture as asource of iron and magnesium, creating a nutritionaland functional improvement that provides betterquality crop in the crop.

The application continued BOTCAR with 6-12 dayintervals provides a magnificent result.

More information of the product, on the website of EDYPRO

jueves, 1 de octubre de 2015


Increase the caliber of persimmon with SUPER ENGORDE CAQUI

More product information at

Images of a plot of persimmon in the ValencianCommunity treated with SUPER ENGORDE CAQUI.

miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2015

Specific solutions for the lack of calcium

Calcium is one of the nutrients most important sincethat is found throughout the plant and is essential forits proper development and stability.

Vegetables (tomato, pepper, eggplant, Zucchini andcucumber) intensive farming and the cultivation ofcitrus fruits, calcium deficiency can be a problem inthe final production.

EDYPRO recommends HYDROCAL and COUPE REGENERATION applications for crops with little inputor lack of assimilation of calcium.

More information and pictures in the section on ourwebsite-specific solutions.

jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2015

miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2015

COUPE REGENERACION for the Tomatoes Crops

For EDYPRO technical team is a great achievement that makes a difference COUPE REGENERACION activity and regenerate the soil, giving life you need!

Known the results of COUPE REGENERACION on a plot of tomatoes in the area of Almeria.

martes, 22 de septiembre de 2015

Integral Plan for Tomatoes Crop

The tomato is the most common vegetable in the world and the greatest economic value. Their demand increases continuously and with it its cultivation, production and trade. The annual increase in production in recent years is mainly due to increased yield and acreage.

Right now, it is time to make applications for the satisfactory progress of setting and fattening tomatoes (good production of autumn-winter depends on the ability of fertilization and thickening we have at the moment).

EDYPRO offers the Treatments Plan of Tomato recommended by the stage of the crop.

lunes, 21 de septiembre de 2015

viernes, 18 de septiembre de 2015

Magnificent results of PROCUAJE RADICULAR in Almería

Forecast a good harvest with  PROCUAJE RADICULAR!

Prognosis of a great harvest of tomatoes on a farm onthe coast of Almeria, treated with PROCUAJE RADICULAR and COUPE REGENERATION Plus

Photos and information of the results on the website of EDYPRO:

jueves, 17 de septiembre de 2015


Zinc is an element of utmost importance in plantmetabolism, since it intervenes in the life processes ofthe culture, as it is the formation of proteinsIt is avital element for the correct evolution of the crop.

One of the latest products developed by EDYPRO is ULTRAZINC; a fertilizer 
solution based on zinc forcrops with shortcomings of this element.

More information in EDYPRO Web: